Monday, May 3, 2010


I constantly type wronga nd proabaly use the backsapace button more than the avutal letters keys, so for this post i decided to not ust the backespace button at all tso you all can see how many mistakes a i make while tiyping (unlss of coruse i spell somethign bad by accident, hehe). i hope yo ucan still read this. :) i thoguht maybe this would ut down on the mtyme it took to type this but instead it has made it uch harder because i keep tgoing to yhit the backspace buttion tand then remembering that i am trying to not use the backsapce button, which is really rather hard, but i think i have already astablished (read phonetically...sometimes) that ffact (that looks kind of like a sttutter :)). i tyupically don't like mistakes, but sometimes they came be qite comially, like when you spell ""uch" intead of "much", or when y9u pronounce "givens" "jivens" (i did that once-i was frustratted with math :]), those are silly mistakes.
well, folds...this post must come to an end at some point and althoguht i could keep making mistakes for a fbery long time this seems as good a place as any to end...
later gater!!
ttfn-ta ta for now!!

1 comment:

  1. this reads like one of your emails. i love it. :) "dear emman... grr! dear emamna... dear ema... aaah!" haha
