Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I'm thinking of starting a new/different blog. maybe on a wordpress. there are a few reasons: 1) I just need something new, but not posting anywhere is kind of strange...i like having a place to share my musings-even if no one reads them, 2) "the browser we detected is unsupported and may result in unexpected behavior." ~little notice at the top of my window. that doesn't sound too promising and I really don't feel like downloading and getting used to a new browser. firefox works just fine for me. 3) (which is really the same as #1 only further explained) i am ready for a change in my style of blogging. i realized the blogs i like to read are way different than the kind i have and in order to completely change i feel like I need to completely change my blog. also, since life is pretty much all about give and take and i thought i might try my hand at "giving" seeing as i've done a lot of "taking" in the blog world. who knows? maybe some lovely people will want to take part in a new adventure with me.
So I just wanted to let you-whoever you are-know where i stand here. i haven't forgotten about my blog and it's not that i don't have time to post...i just haven't been writing like i used to and lots of things are changing in my life and I think i need something new. we'll see where it takes us. :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

it's May again...

and i'm doing drabdaymomay again, i think i mentioned it last year...anyway i haven't posted in a really long time (i know, epically failing at this blogging thing), but if you want to read some stuff i've written (and find out what drabdaymomay is) you can check it out over here.
that's all for now! :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012


the other day my mom got this little flower from walmart. it is my absolute favorite type-ranunculus (i'm not exactly sure how to pronounce that, but believe me it is gorgeous).
this picture makes me unbelievably happy

isn't it beautiful?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"Warning" by Jenny Joseph

When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick the flowers in other peoples' gardens
And learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

more weather (lovin' it!)

last year i was singin' a different tune. last year it snowed A LOT and by this time I was sick and tired of it...but this year I think it only snowed twice (?!) and even then it was only a couple of inches. It's crazy how things vary from year to year-the past few days have been in the high 70s to low 80s (amazing!) and the daffodils are already blooming. it's crazy wonderful. sooooo i went outside today to find a little bit of spring for you guys, and here's what i found:

lilacs! whaaaat?! it's not even April

forsythia-this is crazyness

(sorry these didn't really load very well...they're not grainy and blocky like that in real life :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

it is a lovely day

there is a distant drum and bump of a basketball-it's lovely
there is a soft spring zypher blowing on my toes-it's lovely
there is dirt on my bare feet-it's lovely
there is plenty of sunlight to spare at 4:30-it's lovely
there is school work that is finished-it's lovely
there is a dunkin' donuts mocha in my belly-it(was) lovely
there is salad waiting for me for dinner-it(will be) lovely
there is an open window in my room-it's lovely
there is spring in the air and it is lovely.

here are some lovelies from my day:
porch rocking chair


little red wagon

random crate on our porch-it's kind of awesome

laundry on the line (it would be lovelier if they weren't winter sweaters, but still..)

because bare feet are INFINITELY better.

I hope you had a lovely day. :)

(was that enough lovely for you? {i bet that word sounds really weird by now, but hey, pictures and words in one post on a school day, what?!?!?!})

Sunday, March 4, 2012


i keep thinking of things i need to remember for next year
to bring a pair of socks to change into after the games
i always forgot that this year
and then i remember
there isn't going to be a next year.
i am graduating.
and my heart breaks a little more

Friday, March 2, 2012

you know it's winter when it's....


{new england is so weird}

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

why does graduating have to come with so many goodbyes?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

life takes work

nothing in life comes easy. i'm just beginning to realize that. i'm realizing that if i want to really succeed, excel and grow in anything it takes a lot of work, pain, and effort. but it is soo worth it.
i can't just sit in front of my computer and say how much i love basketball-i have to work out, run, shoot, practice. i have to DO basketball to excel.
i can't just want to be an A student-i have to work, manage my time, complete assignments. i have to DO school to succeed.
i can't just say "i love you"-i have to pursue, serve, help. I have to DO love to grow.
and the list goes on.

but you know what? God didn't just say "i love you" he didn't just want me, he didn't just sit on his throne-he acted. he sent his son to conquer death, to pay the debt i could not pay. and he succeeded.

even though life takes work and the journey seems long and hard
"I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
because of Jesus i can do all things and only through Jesus can i do all things. He gives me the strength to run this race and by his grace i will finish strong.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

it's been awhile...

and i have a little time before i have to leave for my basketball game (and i'm done with school-whaaattt?!) so i thought i'd post about my recent day trip to NYC.
it was pretty awesome. I went with some of my dearest friends. I had never been before so it was pretty cool to see time square and the empire state building and such. I was amazed at how incredibly HUGE everything in time square is. i mean, it's really crazy. pictures and movies just can't do it justice.
here's a couple pictures:
we woke up at 4:30. no one should ever do that.period.

first glimpse

(i have to say i really love this one) :)

the barista lady spelled my name right without even asking!!! so exciting.

time square

this was our view from the top of the bus-going through the city at rush hour on our way home was like a roller coaster ride

on the way home

this is a little collage of our day :)