Monday, March 12, 2012

it is a lovely day

there is a distant drum and bump of a basketball-it's lovely
there is a soft spring zypher blowing on my toes-it's lovely
there is dirt on my bare feet-it's lovely
there is plenty of sunlight to spare at 4:30-it's lovely
there is school work that is finished-it's lovely
there is a dunkin' donuts mocha in my belly-it(was) lovely
there is salad waiting for me for dinner-it(will be) lovely
there is an open window in my room-it's lovely
there is spring in the air and it is lovely.

here are some lovelies from my day:
porch rocking chair


little red wagon

random crate on our porch-it's kind of awesome

laundry on the line (it would be lovelier if they weren't winter sweaters, but still..)

because bare feet are INFINITELY better.

I hope you had a lovely day. :)

(was that enough lovely for you? {i bet that word sounds really weird by now, but hey, pictures and words in one post on a school day, what?!?!?!})

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