Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fools Day Everybody.

unfortunately the snow outside my window is not a joke
it is amazing how if this were november or early december
we would be outside shaking the snow off the trees
so there was more on the ground
but now that it's APRIL the snow only brings
gross disappointment.
I was expecting a little more from april first
than snow and more snow and rain
maybe all the snow will melt away tomorrow
when it wil be
50˚ and sunny

yes. we got 3-4 inches of snow last night. it's pretty and all-but i can only think of all the daffodils and the crocuses that were already in bloom.
sad day.


  1. Snow on April Fools day just goes to show you that God has a sense of humor.

  2. Yes, I was thinking about all those beautiful little flowers too. My Daddy said they're pretty robust and they should be ok though. I sure hope he's right...
