Friday, December 31, 2010


ok. so, i thought i should say something brilliant about the new year coming and how twenty ten was a good year and maybe tell you all my new year's resolutions.
the only problem is i have nothing brilliant to say and i have no new year's resolutions.
how 'bout that for exciting.
well, actually i could make up some things to say. would you like that? you'd like that very much? i thought so. (hahah! classic cleache' (that's supposed to say cliche only i spelled it wrong-please bare [or is it bear?] with me...i don't have much training in spelling French) ok, here goes nothin':

new year's resolution #1-spend more time with family and friends
new year's resolution #2-get fit
new year's resolution #3-"tame the bulge"
new year's resolution #4-quit smoking
new year's resolution #5-enjoy life more
new year's resolution #6-world peace
new year's resolution #7-get out of debt!
new year's resolution #8-learn something new
new year's resolution #9-help others
new year's resolution #10-get oranized

those aren't actually my new year's resolutions (although some of them aren't bad)...i just looked up "most common new year's resolutions" and that's what came up...except #6, that's my own creation.

and that's my brilliant post! have a good new year's eve, new year's day, new year and life!!

this is SJ-signing out!