Monday, August 9, 2010

once in a forever

hello everybody,
i just thought i would bring it to your attention that today is
and that this is the only time from now until forever that this will ever be the date. so enjoy the coolness of the date and the hotness of the weather.


  1. it will be 8-9-10 on august 9th 3010, as well :D

  2. haha Bekah.
    and thank you Sara for that update. did you know that i missed it? i didn't even notice. but then i also missed out on the fact that we could see the northern lights a few nights ago. wow, i need to get on top of these things. :)

  3. OH! I didn't know you could see the northern lights the other day! oh well. :)

    And your right Bekah, i didn't even think of that..
    *smile smile giggle giggle*
